"Siguiendo el Camino de el Rey..."


January 8, 1935.
The day Elvis Presley was born.

The birth of a person is always a reason for celebration, much more so than their death... It is very possible that throughout a person's life, they will have many rebirths , as a person, as a professional, as a family... etc. And many opportunities to reconsider his path, to be able to do what he chose throughout his life. Elvis would be lucky in many cases to have the opportunity to be chosen to reach the top, to success in his artistic life. But he would be unfortunate for not being able to do it the way he wanted, and being diverted from his desired path, by his lack of control or carelessness, by his fears, or his insecurity.
His strength, his courage, his decision would focus on his artistic life, in his vital search, Elvis believed that he could help people with his music, and also with his financial help, which he never abandoned. As an artist he never stopped searching through his gift, his voice,... His sensitivity passed on to all of us through his music, and that is why we continue to celebrate his day.

Elvis Presley, the boy from Tupelo, would be born on January 8, 1935, as a man his life was very short, but as an artist he never ceased to exist. He is still alive in our hearts, because his music goes beyond time...

"Following the path of the King..."


Elvis Presley and childhood friends.

Elvis since he was a child and in his youth, he was a special person, discreet, strange, different from others. So shy that no one would say what he could achieve. But one particularity that he had was his loyalty to the people he cared about. He never forgot the people who treated him well and the real friends he had when he was a child and teenager, since he knew that they had no interest other than friendship. The people he knew since school, some would work with him, others They did not have the same fate as Guy.
Guy Harris was born in 1938, also in Tupelo, and lived in a house very similar to that of Elvis Presley.
His mother was at Gladys and Vernon's house when Elvis Presley was born. When they were little, their mothers would take them out on the porch to play and they would go swimming in the same stream. Gladys had absolute control of her son, so she did not let him go away from where she could see him safely. Her family decided to move to Memphis in the summer of 1946. Over time, although they were friends from childhood and youth, their paths would turn. very different.
Guy became a Police Sergeant and Elvis a myth. When he met him he was so shy that they had to force him to sing on stage at a high school end of year concert. This would be three years before he became the most famous man there. On one occasion he visited him at Graceland, they sat around the piano and sang Gospel songs. The same habit that Elvis had with his dearest friends. Elvis liked to have cheeseburgers and fries and he liked to sit in the same place at a family restaurant, Johnnie's Drive In, in Tupelo. The last time he saw him was at the presentation of a Sheriff's badge in Tupelo.
On December 29, 1970, Sheriff Bill Mitchell named him honorary Deputy Sheriff of Lee County. Guy was also at the event and later met with Elvis, Priscilla, and his companions. They talked about the old days of how they enjoyed playing as children... Things had already changed over the years. Evidently Guy's way of life was very different from Elvis's. When Elvis introduced Guy to Priscilla, he told her, "Guy was my best friend when he was a kid."
But it's interesting to know that Elvis kept in touch with the people he really cared about, even if they were at a distance. Having many people always with him, his wife, The Mafia, although Elvis had true friends... he always felt a little alone. The reason was his particular vision of life and that way of being so special that it would put a real barrier to the people around him.
It is known that Elvis was very withdrawn at this time, they say that he liked to build cars with boxes of fruit and He played in the backyard of a nearby house where he would play with Guy, apart from swimming and he liked to fish with another friend named James Ausborn. Another friend he had during these times would be Sam Bell. When Elvis was given his first guitar at around age eleven, he witnessed the first attempts to learn from him and also heard him sing timidly. Gladys forbade him to carry the guitar so Elvis took a broom and pretended to sing Gospel songs... James had a brother named Carvel Lee Ausborn known as Mississippi Slim who played the guitar and was a star on the WDIX station in Tupelo. And he taught him several chords to play the guitar, this encouraged Elvis and he always asked them to go see him on the Radio on Saturdays. And there he sang to him and Elvis imitated what he did in order to learn

                                                                              Vernon Presley y Gladys Smith con Elvis Presley en 1943




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Ana Albajara


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Reflections on the personality of Elvis Presley.

Happiness is sometimes a little piece of heaven that we look for every day and that we let pass if we don't enjoy the moment.
In some cases it is questionable to let ourselves be carried away by those moments without analyzing the possible consequences, but in others it is necessary to feel that small and necessary time to be able to move forward on our path...
For Elvis Presley, the recognition of his public was vital, his acceptance, for him music was his heaven, his vital sphere, it would be the greatest thing, it became his happy moment and in June 1970 he had already abandoned the idea of ​​reaching be a great actor.
He had really accepted that sad reality that left a lot of frustration in him, because it was always his dream. Without realizing that by singing he would go much further.

Happiness sometimes becomes unattainable without enjoying those wonderful moments and we lose ourselves in reaching an unattainable goal... Elvis wanted to be accepted as he was for himself and looked for reasons in his existence, the reason for his life. And he did not realize that his dream, his aspiration, would really be fulfilled through his voice.
It could be said that Elvis was a great actor, the best... since as a performer on stage, he would come to live the lyrics like no one else, he would make the story of the song live... he understood it, he brought it to reality like actor and made her feel like a singer... her dream was real and went further... but the obsessions, the shadows sometimes don't let us see the light...
And it is true that aspirations sometimes become so difficult to achieve that these small moments of happiness pass without pain or glory and do not allow us to enjoy that unpredictable uncertainty that is ultimately our destiny.
Ana Albajara

"Following the Way of the King..."

DE TUPELO A MEMPHIS.  "Siguiendo el Camino de el Rey..."

THAT´S THE WAY IT IS-   50 AÑOS  Foto. Ana Albajara

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"The special, the different, the unprecedented..."

Elvis Presley, the kid from Tupelo who wanted to sing and knew he was different from everyone else.
His style, his way of dressing, his hairstyle, his movements... his voice was new, fresh and conveyed a special feeling.
His performance, full of energy, was shocking to the audience and unleashed all kinds of reactions, screams, ecstasy in the young people and aversion in the adults.
The result led to the hysteria and submission of a crazed public that remained faithful to him until the end of his days.

As time went by, the boy from Tupelo grew and became the mature man who attracts even more with his maturation. His strength was shocking, his incredible physical attractiveness and his penetrating and warm voice that would take the viewer even further.
From then on he would appeal to a new young audience and to the old, more mature audience that he once rejected. He would reach all types of audiences and the recognition of him will go even further.
Beyond time...
Elvis Presley...the man, the myth, "the King."

"Following the Way of the King..."


 Programa creado con guión y presentación de Ana Albajara

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